Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Digital Marketing Teams Solidify Their Staffing at Top 10 Pharma Companies

Most drug manufacturers have yet to define their eMarketing and digital pharma teams. But Top 10 drug makers have already invested significant manpower into digital marketing groups, averaging more than 23 FTEs dedicated to these new media activities, according to a study by Cutting Edge Information. Buy Lozol (Indapamide) pills online without prescription
“A number of companies already invest a great deal of staffing and budget resources into eMarketing.”
The study, “Pharmaceutical Digital Marketing and Social Media,” found one large pharmaceutical company has a staff of 37 FTEs dedicated to its digital marketing team. Most of the positions within these Top 10 pharma companies’ eMarketing groups are middle management jobs. Programmers and design personnel combine to make up 46% of teams on average. Senior management positions make up the smallest percentage of dedicated Top 10 companies’ digital marketing groups.
“The data reveal a clear trend of the pharmaceutical industry’s marketing shifting into digital channels and away from some of the more traditional marketing channels,” said Ryan McGuire, Research Team Leader at Cutting Edge Information. “A number of companies already invest a great deal of staffing and budget resources into eMarketing.”
Cutting Edge Information’s study found that pharmaceutical companies are rapidly solidifying their digital marketing resources. An overwhelming 91% of the companies surveyed maintain internal resources to perform or manage eMarketing activities. Furthermore, a majority of these companies – 58% – already manage digital activities through dedicated digital marketing groups. In general, emerging functions start out under-resourced, and digital marketing is no exception. The study reveals that one-third of surveyed pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have only 1 FTE in place to manage their eMarketing activities. But that number is likely to rise in the near future.
“Pharmaceutical Digital Marketing and Social Media” helps marketing teams:
  • Prioritize objectives with case studies that illustrate successful digital marketing goal-setting.
  • Build a team structure to manage both internal and external relationships, emphasize compliance and mitigate regulatory risks.
  • Create a team equipped to meet current digital marketing needs and adapt to future challenges.