Monday, July 27, 2015

Pharmaceutical Packaging Market by Packaging Type, Raw Material & Drug Delivery Type - Forecasts to 2020

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Pharmaceutical Packaging Market by Packaging Type, by Raw Material, by Drug Delivery Type by Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, RoW) - Forecasts to 2020" report to their offering. The global pharmaceutical packaging market demand, by value is estimated to reach above $80 Billion by 2020 The pharmaceutical packaging market is anticipated to show a steady growth rate in the coming years. Moduretic (Amiloride-Hydrochlorothiazide) with free Rx Drug delivery types such as oral, pulmonary, transdermal, injectable, topical, nasal, ocular, and IV drugs, and are predicted to show higher growth than other applications. Advancement in drug delivery technologies is leading to the use of innovative packaging in many pharmaceutical sub segments. Lasix (Furosemide) This is also increasing the demand for different types of packaging materials. Arimidex (Anastrozole) with no prescription Aging of world population and rising health awareness among consumers are some of the significant drivers of the pharmaceutical market. Diurin with free prescription Rapid growth of the pharmaceutical industry globally, especially in the emerging regions along with the growing demand for drug delivery devices & blister packaging are the most important drivers of the market. About Theo-24 Sr (Theophylline ) without Rx Growth in the demand for primary packaging and rapidly increasing third party logistics also provide ample opportunity for the growth of the pharmaceutical packaging market. Buy Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic Acid online Increasing overall packaging cost along with stricter health regulations and compliance standards are hindering the growth of the market. North America and Europe are the leading regions for the consumption of pharmaceutical packaging materials. The U.S. holds the largest share in the North American market while Germany holds the largest share in the European market. Asia-Pacific and the RoW regions are showing a significant increase in demand of pharmaceutical packaging materials. Pharmaceutical packaging companies focus keenly on research and development to provide innovative and high quality solutions to its customers. Besides, these companies also aggressively expanded, collaborated and venture with companies to increase their presence in different regions. These two are the major strategies adopted by the companies to strengthen their position in the pharmaceutical packaging market. The current scenario in the global pharmaceutical packaging market is dominated by number of major players that include MeadWestvaco Corporation (U.S.), Schott AG (Germany), Amcor Ltd. (Australia), Rexam PLC (U.K.), Gerresheimer AG (Germany), and so on. Key Topics Covered: 1 Introduction 2 Research Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Market Overview 5 Premium Insight 6 Market Dynamics 7 Pharmaceutical Packaging Market, By Packaging Type 8 Pharmaceutical Packaging Market, By Packaging Material 9 Pharmaceutical Packaging Market, By Drug Delivery Type 10 Pharmaceutical Packaging Market, By Geography 11 Packaging Market for Veterinary Vaccines 12 Competitive Landscape 13 Company Profiles - Amcor - Aptargroup, Inc. - Becton, Dickinson & Company - Capsugel Inc. - CCL Industries Inc. - Clondalkin - Datwyler Holding Inc. - Gerresheimer AG - Global Closure Systems Ltd - Intrapac - Klockner Pentaplast Group - Meadwestvaco Corporation - NYPRO Inc. - Rexam - RPC Group PLC - Schott - Steripack Limited - Vitro, S.A.B. De C.V. - Welch Packaging - West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. - Wipak - Wihuri Group For more information visit

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Takeda apresenta Solicitac~ao de Aprovac~ao de Novo F'armaco para o Ixazomibe para Pacientes com Mieloma M'ultiplo Refrat'ario/Recidivante

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts e OSAKA, Jap~ao--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE: 4502) anunciou hoje a apresentac~ao de uma Solicitac~ao de Aprovac~ao de Novo F armaco (New Drug Application - NDA) ao org~ao americano Food and Drug Administration (FDA) para o ixazomibe, um inibidor de proteassoma oral em investigac~ao, para o tratamento de pacientes com mieloma m ultiplo refrat ario e/ou recidivante. A apresentac~ao da NDA foi baseada no ensaio cl inico central de Fase 3 TOURMALINE-MM1, um estudo cl inico internacional, randomizado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo com 722 pacientes destinado a avaliar a superioridade do ixazomibe em combinac~ao com lenalidomida e dexametasona sobre placebo combinado com lenalidomida e dexametasona em pacientes adultos com mieloma m ultiplo refrat ario e/ou recidivante. About Intagra (Sildenafil Citrate) with free prescription Os pacientes continuam a ser tratados neste ensaio e avaliados quanto aos desfechos no longo prazo. “O estudo TOURMALINE-MM1 e o primeiro de uma s erie de cinco estudos da fase 3 dentro do nosso programa ixazomibe, que foi criado para avaliar se a terapia sustentada com um inibidor de proteassoma, administrado por via oral, melhora os desfechos cl inicos de pacientes com mieloma m ultiplo ou com amiloidose sist^emica de cadeia leve (amiloidose AL)”, disse Andrew Plump, m edico, Ph.D., Diretor M edico e Cient ifico da Takeda. Buy Nizoral (Ketoconazole) with free prescription “Esta solicitac~ao de aprovac~ao assinala um passo importante no constante compromisso da Takeda com a inovac~ao para pacientes com mieloma m ultiplo. About Viagra Super Active (Sildenafil Citrate) without Rx Agradecemos aos pacientes e suas fam ilias por confiarem em n os e no ixazomibe ao continuarem a participar do programa TOURMALINE.” “O tratamento cont inuo est a emergindo como um padr~ao de tratamento do mieloma m ultiplo com melhoras comprov aveis nos desfechos de longo prazo”, comentou Paul Richardson, m edico, L ider do Programa Cl inico e Diretor de Pesquisa Cl inica do Jerome Lipper Myeloma Center, m edico do Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Deworm with free prescription “A inibic~ao de proteassoma tornou-se um componente essencial do tratamento, mas h a desafios log isticos para os pacientes tanto nas abordagens intravenosas quanto nas subcut^aneas, especialmente na aus^encia de uma opc~ao por via oral eficaz. Viramune (Nevirapine) with free prescription Se aprovado, o ixazomibe, com a conveni^encia da administrac~ao oral uma vez por semana e a promissora efic acia, deve proporcionar um avanco muito significativo para nossos pacientes.” Essa e a primeira solicitac~ao de aprovac~ao a uma ag^encia reguladora para o ixazomibe. Buy Stress online Outras solicitac~oes de aprovac~ao est~ao previstas para comecar na Europa e em outros pa ises ainda neste ano. Sobre o Mieloma M ultiploO mieloma m ultiplo e um c^ancer das c elulas plasm aticas que se encontram na medula ossea. No mieloma m ultiplo, um grupo de c elulas plasm aticas, ou c elulas de mieloma, tornam-se cancerosas e se multiplicam, elevando o n umero de c elulas plasm aticas para um n ivel superior ao normal. Como as c elulas plasm aticas circulam amplamente no corpo, elas podem afetar muitos ossos e levar a fraturas por compress~ao, les~oes osseas l iticas e dor relacionada. O mieloma m ultiplo pode causar diversos problemas de sa ude graves que afetam os ossos, o sistema imunol ogico, os rins e a contagem dos gl obulos vermelhos de uma pessoa, com alguns dos sintomas mais comuns incluindo dor ossea e fadiga, que e um sinal de anemia. O mieloma m ultiplo e uma forma rara de c^ancer com cerca de 20.000 novos casos por ano nos EUA e 114.000 novos casos por ano em todo o mundo. Sobre o IxazomibeO ixazomibe (MLN9708) e um inibidor de proteassoma oral em investigac~ao que est a sendo estudado no mieloma m ultiplo, amiloidose AL e outras doencas malignas. O ixazomibe recebeu a designac~ao de medicamento orf~ao para tratamento do mieloma m ultiplo, tanto nos EUA quanto na Europa, em 2011 e para amiloidose AL, tanto nos EUA quanto na Europa, em 2012. O ixazomibe recebeu o status de Terapia Inovadora (Breakthrough Therapy) do U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) para amiloidose AL refrat aria ou recidivante em 2014. Ele tamb em e o primeiro inibidor de proteassoma oral a entrar em ensaios cl inicos de Fase 3. O programa de desenvolvimento cl inico do ixazomibe reforca ainda mais o cont inuo compromisso da Takeda com o desenvolvimento de terapias inovadoras para pessoas que vivem com mieloma m ultiplo em todo o mundo e com os profissionais de sa ude que os tratam. H a cinco ensaios cl inicos globais de Fase 3 em andamento: TOURMALINE-MM1, que investiga o ixazomibe versus placebo, em combinac~ao com lenalidomida e dexametasona em mieloma m ultiplo refrat ario e/ou recidivante TOURMALINE-MM2, que investiga o ixazomibe versus placebo, em combinac~ao com lenalidomida e dexametasona em pacientes com mieloma m ultiplo diagnosticado recentemente TOURMALINE-MM3, que investiga o ixazomibe versus placebo como terapia de manutenc~ao em pacientes com mieloma m ultiplo diagnosticado recentemente ap os terapia de induc~ao e transplante de c elulas-tronco aut ologas (ASCT) TOURMALINE-MM4, que investiga o ixazomibe versus placebo como terapia de manutenc~ao em pacientes com mieloma m ultiplo diagnosticado recentemente que n~ao foram submetidos ao ASCT TOURMALINE-AL1, que investiga o ixazomibe mais dexametasona versus regime escolhido pelo m edico dentre regimes selecionados em pacientes com amiloidose AL refrat aria ou recidivante Para informac~oes adicionais sobre os estudos de Fase 3 em andamento, acesse Sobre a Takeda OncologyA Takeda Oncology e uma unidade de neg ocios global da Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc., uma subsidi aria integral da Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. A Takeda aspira a curar o c^ancer atrav es da apresentac~ao de novos medicamentos para atender `as necessidades exclusivas e urgentes das pessoas com c^ancer, seus entes queridos e prestadores de atenc~ao `a sa ude que os apoiam no mundo todo. Takeda e a 11a maior empresa global de oncologia com um portf olio de terapias inovadoras e um extenso pipeline de produtos em investigac~ao que t^em o potencial de melhorar significativamente os desfechos dos pacientes em diversos tipos de c^ancer. Ao combinar o poder de mentes cient ificas l ideres com o nosso esp irito agil e empreendedor e os vastos recursos de uma empresa farmac^eutica global, a Takeda Oncology est a descobrindo maneiras novas e inovadoras para melhorar o tratamento do c^ancer. Informac~oes adicionais sobre a Takeda Oncology est~ao dispon iveis em seu site, Sobre a TakedaLocalizada em Osaka, Jap~ao, a Takeda e uma empresa global voltada para pesquisas, com foco principal em produtos farmac^euticos. Como a maior empresa farmac^eutica do Jap~ao e uma das l ideres globais do setor, a Takeda est a empenhada em lutar por uma sa ude melhor para as pessoas em todo o mundo por meio da lideranca de inovac~oes em medicamentos. Informac~oes adicionais sobre a Takeda est~ao dispon iveis em seu site corporativo, O texto no idioma original deste an uncio e a vers~ao oficial autorizada. As traduc~oes s~ao fornecidas apenas como uma facilidade e devem se referir ao texto no idioma original, que e a unica vers~ao do texto que tem efeito legal.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Pacira Pharmaceuticals Announces Timing for Second Quarter 2015 Financial Results Webcast and Conference Call

PARSIPPANY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Glucotrol (Glipizide) without prescription (NASDAQ:PCRX) today announced that financial results for the company’s second quarter ended June 30, 2015 will be released before the market opens on Thursday, July 30, 2015. Buy Parlodel (Bromocriptine) with no prescription The Pacira management team will host a conference call to discuss the company’s financial results and recent and upcoming developments on Thursday, July 30, 2015, at 9 a.m. Kamagra Flavored (Sildenafil Citrate) with free prescription ET. About Derma-smoothe with no Rx The call can be accessed by dialing 1-877-845-0779 (domestic) or 1-720-545-0035 (international) ten minutes prior to the start of the call and providing the Conference ID 93527661. A replay of the call will be available approximately two hours after the completion of the call and can be accessed by dialing 1-855-859-2056 (domestic) or 1-404-537-3406 (international) and providing the Conference ID 93527661. About Xalatan 0.005% (Latanoprost) without Rx The replay of the call will be available for two weeks from the date of the live call. The live, listen-only webcast of the conference call can also be accessed by visiting the “Investors & Media” section of the company’s website at Buy Skin Conditions online A replay of the webcast will be archived on the Pacira website for two weeks following the call. About Pacira Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: PCRX) is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the clinical and commercial development of new products that meet the needs of acute care practitioners and their patients. The company’s flagship product, EXPAREL® (bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension), indicated for single-dose infiltration into the surgical site to produce postsurgical analgesia, was commercially launched in the United States in April 2012. EXPAREL and two other products have successfully utilized DepoFoam®, a unique and proprietary product delivery technology that encapsulates drugs without altering their molecular structure, and releases them over a desired period of time. Additional information about Pacira is available at

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. to Release Fiscal 2016 First Quarter Earnings on August 6th

TARRYTOWN, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. Buy Cymbalta (Duloxetine) without prescription (NYSE:PBH) today announced that it will issue its fiscal 2016 first quarter earnings release on Thursday, August 6, 2015 before the opening of the market. Seroquel (Quetiapine) with no Rx The Company will host a conference call to discuss the results that same morning at 8:30 a.m. Buy Hoodia () without prescription ET. To access the call, listeners calling from within North America may dial 877-703-6109 about 15 minutes prior to the start of the call. Cyproterone Those wishing to access the call from outside North America should dial 857-244-7308. Antabuse (Disulfiram) with no Rx The conference passcode is “prestige.” The Company will provide a live Internet webcast as well as an archived replay, which can be accessed from the Investor Relations page of Telephonic replays will be available for two weeks following completion of the live call and can be accessed at 888-286-8010 within North America, and at 617-801-6888 from outside North America. Buy Protein online The passcode is 19469360. Prestige Brands markets and distributes brand name over-the-counter healthcare and household products throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, and in certain other international markets. Core brands include Monistat® women’s health products, Nix® lice treatments, Chloraseptic® sore throat treatments, Compound W® wart treatments, Clear Eyes® eye care products, Little Remedies® pediatric products, The Doctor’s® NightGuard® dental protector, Efferdent® denture care products, Luden’s® throat drops, Dramamine® motion sickness treatments, BC® and Goody’s® headache remedies, Beano® gas prevention, Debrox® earwax remover, and in Canada, Gaviscon® antacid.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Nixon and Obama health care similarities illustrate party differences

President Obama s Affordable Care Act has been labeled "a radical liberal plan" and "socialized medicine" by Republican opposition. Buy Cymbalta (Duloxetine) without prescription Yet the roles were reversed in the early 1970s when President Nixon proposed his health plans. Seroquel (Quetiapine) with no Rx A new article in Pediatrics compares the proposals of both presidents and how opposition responded to them. The authors of the article compare the rhetoric and the reality behind the health care proposals of Republican President Richard Nixon and Democrat President Barack Obama. While many would hesitate to draw similarities between Nixon and Obama, the article by academics from the University of Michigan Medical School demonstrates that extent of partisan political rhetoric in health policy debates. "It s not that one is right and one is wrong," says author Dr. Buy Hoodia () without prescription Gary Freed. Cyproterone "But more that this is a chance to address the appropriate place of political rhetoric when it comes to improving public health, and the dangers of elevating blind partisanship over meaningful debate about important issues for our nation s health." The authors illustrate that had Nixon s proposals gone through, more people would have had insurance coverage than the number currently covered by the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Nixon s initial National Health Strategy proposal in 1971 ruled that all employers would be required to provide basic health insurance to employees and that most of Medicaid for poor families would be replaced with a federal plan open to any family whose income was below a certain level. After this proposal had failed, Nixon came back in 1974 with his Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan. Antabuse (Disulfiram) with no Rx This proposal stated that all employers were required to insure full-time employees and that Medicaid would be replaced with a plan available to those unable to get employee health insurance or afford their own coverage. President Nixon explained the thinking behind his approach: "Those who need care most often get care least. Buy Protein online And even when the poor do get service, it is often second rate [...] This situation will be corrected only when the poor have sufficient purchasing power to enter the medical marketplace on equal terms with those who are more affluent." We need to put health care in a historical perspective Dr. Freed believes that the US of today would be a very different country had the Nixon proposals been passed. "Instead, we had 30 more years with one-third of the population uninsured," he states. In comparison, the Affordable Care Act of 2010 ruled that employers with more than 50 employees are required to offer affordable insurance including a minimum set of benefits to most employees, or pay employees extra if they are eligible for tax credit to buy marketplace insurance. The act defines "affordable" insurance coverage as that which costs less than 9.5% of a household s income. In the 1970s, the Democrats declared that Nixon s proposals did not go far enough and instead offered a health proposal that the authors of the article consider far more liberal than anything the party has suggested in recent years. It appears these changing perspectives are more indicative of the two parties opposition toward each other than what they stand for in terms of health care. Positions can change over time, but it appears as though the Democrats and Republicans are inflexible when it comes to their disagreements. "We need to put health care in a historical perspective, and not go to extremes for political purposes," Dr. Freed concludes. "I would hope this history will help policy makers think about what the policy is trying to accomplish for the American people, and not turn a blind eye to proposals simply because they re proposed by one party or the other." Last year, Medical News Today reported on a study investigating state-specific difference in Medicaid provision that found cancer screening could be affected by different reimbursement and eligibility policies. Written by James McIntosh

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Recovering female stroke victims may benefit from uric acid

A new study has discovered 42% of female stroke patients treated with uric acid had little to no disability compared with 29% treated with a placebo. A blood clot forming in the carotid artery. Buy Clomid (Clomiphene) with free Rx Image credit: American Heart Association A stroke is a life-changing event, impacting on an individual s psychological and physical well-being. Sumycin (Tetracycline) with free prescription Rehabilitation for recovering stroke victims is a crucial step for which many recovering patients struggle. Himcolin () with free prescription In the study - published in the journal, Stroke, for the American Heart Association (AHA) - Angel Chamorro, PhD, lead author and director of Barcelona s Comprehensive Stroke Center, Hospital Clinic Chamorro, Spain, sheds further light on what is the most effective treatment. Dr. About Curam with no Rx Chamorro and her colleagues re-analyzed 2014 data based on URIC-ICTUS, a randomized double-blind trial of patients admitted to stroke centers in Spain. Buy Astelin (Azelastine) with no prescription The participants in the study were 206 women and 205 men who were all were given treatment to remove clots. Buy Phosphatidyl Serine online Half of each gender group were randomly given either 1,000 mg of uric acid therapy or a placebo administered through intravenous infusion. At the time, the results of the study interpreted the addition of uric acid therapy to neither increase the well-being of recovering stroke patients or lead to any safety concerns. However, upon re-analyzing the data, researchers found 42% of women treated with uric acid reported less disability 3 months after a stroke compared with 29% of women treated with a placebo. In addition, women had less dead tissue resulting from a lack of blood supply after receiving uric acid, but among men, there was essentially no difference between the uric acid treatment and the placebo. Protect tissue from free radicals In an ischemic stroke, the most common form of stroke, a clot lodges in an artery supplying oxygen to the brain. Once doctors remove the clot, oxygen is free to re-enter the brain but it also releases harmful monocles, known as free radicals, which can damage surrounding tissue. Although high levels of uric acid can lead to health problems such as kidney stones and gout, results show it can be used to counteract the dangers of free radicals. According to Dr. Chamorro, women fared better because they traditionally possess less uric acid in their bodies. In the study, women were, on average, 7 years older than men and they were more likely to have an irregular heartbeat, high pressure and other conditions. Dr. Chamorro believes results of uric acid therapy would be even more impressive when tested on young and healthier stroke victims. The findings echo a study last year that discovered uric acid to be a major intracellular antioxidant. Last year, the AHA reported 795,000 Americans suffer from a new or recurrent stroke every year. About 55,000 more women suffer strokes than men in the US, with 60% of stroke deaths occurring in women. In response, guidelines for the prevention of stroke in women were created for the first time. Written by Peter Lam

Saturday, July 11, 2015

New chemotherapy light technique discovered

Researchers have successfully pioneered a new technique that utilizes light to active chemotherapy drugs in specific cells, increasing the effectiveness of cancer therapies. About Artane (Trihexyphenidyl) with free Rx The team describes its findings in the journal Cell. Cancer cells can now be specifically targeted by light. Viagra Super Force (Sildenafil Citrate + Dapoxetine) with no prescription Image credit: Malgorzata Borowiak, LMU Munich The research co-authored by Oliver Thorn-Seshold, PhD, and Prof. About Zyloprim (Allopurinol) with free Rx Dirk Trauner, both from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Munich, Germany. Buy Coapprovel They sought to solve the problem of the severe side effects experienced by some users of widely prescribed chemotherapeutic drugs. There are currently over 100 types of cancer currently identified, each classified by the cell that is affected. Cialis Black (Tadalafil) without prescription Different types of cancer very rarely behave similarly, hence the huge challenge facing patients and health care professionals to identify the best treatment. Buy Nasal Spray online Traditionally, chemotherapy drugs do not specifically target cancer cells, and so intersect with the function of normal cells, causing severe side effects such as heart and nerve damage. Due to this risk, the treatment can only be administered in relatively low doses and does not provide the best therapeutic benefit. To overcome this challenge, scientists developed a method for optically controlling microtubule inhibitor drugs that are currently in clinical trials. Inhibitors interfere with the function of microtubules, components of the cell s skeleton that play a key role in cell proliferation, migration and survival. Researchers identified a fixed structural element required for a drug s biological activity and replaced this element with a flexible hinge that can swing open or shut in response to blue light. Prof. Trauner describes the advantage of the technique: "The upshot is that our compounds retain the powerful anticancer effects of existing microtubule inhibitors but add the bonus of tissue-specific localization." The modified compounds, called "photostatins," are effective at inhibiting the proliferation and survival of cells targeted by light, but neighboring cells are unaffected. This technique can be used numerous times, making it suitable for long-term applications in both the clinic and lab. The new development also opens the door for further research because the technique targets a critical microtubule subunit located in the cells of all plants and animals. This method may be adapted to study or treat a broad range of organisms or processes, or even potentially a broad range of diseases in humans. Truly therapeutic Dr. Thorn-Seshold hopes the elimination of the unwanted side effects ensures "the new compounds will be able to be used in medicine at dosages that are truly therapeutic in tumors, thus achieving a much more effective therapy than currently possible." In future clinical settings, scientists hope the technique can treat a range of conditions. Eye cancer patients can be treated wearing blue-tinted glasses and skin cancer with a bandage that delivers light. An implantable network of tiny LEDs that blink every few minutes to maintain the chemotherapeutic effect can be used for internal tumors. Dr. Thorn-Seshold hopes the results will be an important step in the development of cancer treatment, he said: "The field of photopharmacology is very young, so it may take some time for the pharmaceutical industry to recognize the value of compounds. Yet if our ongoing studies are successful, we will have a convincing proposition for further preclinical development, and we are committed to getting as far into real therapy as we can." Written by Peter Lam

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

WHO countries must raise tobacco tax to 75% of retail price

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Weight-loss surgery 'superior to lifestyle interventions' for type 2 diabetes

A new study suggests weight-loss surgery combined with low-level lifestyle interventions may be a more effective treatment strategy for obese patients with type 2 diabetes than lifestyle interventions alone. While lifestyle interventions alone appear to have no effect on type 2 diabetes remission, researchers found these combined with weight-loss surgery led to remission for many obese patients with the condition. Dr. About Viagra Super Fluox-Force (Sildenafil Citrate + Fluoxetine) with free prescription Anita P. About Aricept (Donepezil) Courcoulas, of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, and colleagues publish their findings in JAMA Surgery. Excess weight is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes; more than 90% of people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. It is recommended that obese patients with type 2 diabetes adopt lifestyle changes, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise, to help manage or treat their condition. Danocrine (Danazol) without Rx But recently, studies have suggested weight-loss surgery, or bariatric surgery, may be just as effective as lifestyle interventions and medical therapy for obese patients with type 2 diabetes In April 2014, for example, Medical News Today reported on a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that found obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery were able to control their type 2 diabetes without the use of medical therapy in the 3 years following the procedure. But Dr. Chlorvescent with free Rx Courcoulas and colleagues say "questions remain" about the efficacy of such treatment. Buy ED Advanced Pack () without Rx "More information is needed about the longer-term effectiveness and risks of all types of bariatric surgical procedures compared with lifestyle and medical management for those with T2DM [type 2 diabetes mellitus] and obesity," they note. As such, the team assessed the outcomes of 61 obese patients aged 25-55 with type 2 diabetes who were randomly assigned to receive either weight-loss surgery in the first year followed by a low-level lifestyle intervention for 2 years, or an intense lifestyle intervention for 1 year followed by a low-level lifestyle intervention for 2 years. Subjects who underwent weight-loss surgery received one of two procedures: roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB). Buy Ligaments - Tendons online RYGB involves the creation of a small stomach pouch from a portion of the stomach, which is then connected to the small intestine, bypassing the rest of the stomach and the duodenum. LAGB involves the placement of a band around the upper part of the stomach to create a smaller stomach pouch. The band can be adjusted after the procedure to make food pass more slowly or quickly through the stomach. Both of these procedures limit the amount of food a person can eat, making them feel full faster. Dr. Courcoulas and colleagues assessed the incidence of partial or complete type 2 diabetes remission among all subjects after 3 years. Weight-loss surgery led to complete type 2 diabetes remission for some obese patients Bariatric surgery was found to be most effective for weight loss among study participants. Those who underwent RYGB lost around 25% of their body weight during follow-up, LAGB subjects lost around 15% of their body weight, while lifestyle intervention-only participants lost around 5.7%. The team found that many participants who underwent weight-loss surgery followed by lifestyle interventions experienced partial or complete type 2 diabetes remission, while those who engaged in lifestyle interventions alone experienced no remission at all. Of the subjects who underwent RYGB, 40% experienced partial or complete type 2 diabetes remission, while this was the case for 29% of subjects who underwent LAGB. Three subjects treated with RYGB and one treated with LAGB had complete remission. In addition, the team found that patients who underwent weight-loss surgery were more likely to have better blood glucose control and less likely to need medication for their type 2 diabetes, compared with those who engaged in lifestyle interventions alone. "More than two thirds of those in the RYGB group and nearly half of the LAGB group did not require any medications for T2DM treatment at 3 years," say the researchers. One strength of this study, according to the team, is that around 40% of participants fell into the category of class 1 obesity - defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of between 30 and 35. The researchers note that weight-loss surgery is normally carried out on patients with a BMI of 40 or more, so data is lacking on the effects of weight-loss surgery for obese patients with a lower BMI. Commenting on their findings, the team says: "This study provides further important evidence that at longer-term follow-up of 3 years, surgical treatments, including RYGB and LAGB, are superior to lifestyle intervention alone for the remission of T2DM in obese individuals including those with a BMI between 30 and 35. While this trial provides valuable insights, unanswered questions remain such as the impact of these treatments on long-term microvascular and macrovascular complications and the precise mechanisms by which bariatric surgical procedures induce their effects." In an editorial linked to the study, Dr. Michel Gagner, of Florida International University in Miami, says the findings indicate the use of weight-loss surgery should be increased for obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. "We should consider the use of bariatric (metabolic) surgery in all severely obese patients with T2DM and start a mass treatment, similar to what was done with coronary artery bypass graft more than 50 years ago," he says. In November 2014, MNT reported on a study suggesting that weight-loss surgery may also be effective for prevention of type 2 diabetes among obese patients. Published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, the study found that obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery were 80% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who received no obesity-related treatment. Written by Honor Whiteman

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Day fireworks 'cause significant rise in air pollution'

July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence since 1776. Zovirax (Acyclovir) without prescription Tonight, the sky will be illuminated with stunning fireworks displays that are taking place all over the US. Buy Azelex (Azelaic Acid) without prescription But according to a new study, such festivities may have an unintended consequence - a significant increase in air pollution. Fireworks set off over the US on the evening of July 4th cause an average 42% rise in air pollution, according to the researchers. Published in the journal Atmospheric Environment, the study identifies a rise in fine particulate matter, or PM2.5 - particles that are 2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller - on the evening of July 4th and the morning of July 5th. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these small particles are a health concern; they can easily pass through the throat and nose to the lungs, which can trigger shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and asthma attacks, as well as long-term health effects - such as stroke and heart attack and death from lung and heart disease. It is well known that fireworks can present health risks. About Urso (Ursodiol) with free prescription Last year, a Spotlight feature from Medical News Today noted that firework injuries - such as burns and other injuries to the hands, eyes and legs - increased by 30% compared with the previous year. According to the researchers of this latest study - including Dian J. Buy Cellmune with no Rx Seidel of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) Air Resources Laboratory in College Park, MD - previous studies had identified increases in air pollutants during and following fireworks displays. "But no study to date has explored fireworks effects on air quality over large regions using systematic observations over multiple years to estimate typical regional PM [particulate matter] increases," they note. Concentrations of fine particulate matter 42% higher on evening of July 4th Seidel and study co-author Abigail N. Buy Erythromycin (Erythromycin) without Rx Birnbaum, of the University of Maryland and student intern at NOAA, set out to address this research gap, assessing the air quality of 315 sites across the US on every 4th July between 1999 and 2013. "We chose the holiday, not to put a damper on celebrations of America s independence, but because it is the best way to do a nationwide study of the effects of fireworks on air quality," says Siedel. The researchers analyzed the hourly concentrations of fine particulate matter on the evening of July 4th, comparing them with those of the days before and after, The team found that on average, concentrations of fine particulate matter were 42% higher on the evening of July 4th, compared with the days before and after the holiday. Buy Jojoba Oil online Levels reached their highest between 9 pm and 10 pm, with increases beginning at 8 pm. The increases lasted until around midday on July 5th. The researchers identified variations in PM2.5 concentrations between air quality monitoring sites, which appeared to be dependent on weather conditions and how close the fireworks were to the site. For example, concentrations were around 370% higher on the evening of July 4th at one site where the fireworks were set off in a field adjacent to it - which the team says is at a level well above the maximum 24-hour limit of 35 mcg per cubic meter set by the EPA. Commenting on the findings, Seidel says: "These results will help improve air quality predictions, which currently don t account for fireworks as a source of air pollution. The study is also another wake-up call for those who may be particularly sensitive to the effects of fine particulate matter." The team notes that while the EPA do not regulate fireworks, they do recommend that individuals who are sensitive to air pollution - such as those with asthma - watch fireworks displays from a distance and ensure they have any required medication to hand. Written by Honor Whiteman

Friday, July 3, 2015

Quintiles e Quest Diagnostics lancam Q2 Solutions

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, Carolina do Norte, e MADISON, Nova Jersey--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A Quintiles e a Quest Diagnostics anunciaram hoje o lancamento da Q2 Solutions, sua nova organizac~ao conjunta dedicada a servicos laboratoriais para estudos cl inicos. Buy Trental (Pentoxifylline) with free Rx A Q2 Solutions re une as operac~oes laboratoriais para estudos cl inicos de ambas as organizac~oes matrizes para fornecer aos clientes biofarmac^euticos recursos diversificados e servicos de ponta a ponta, t~ao necess arios para a ind ustria biofarmac^eutica em r apida evoluc~ao. Buy Combivent (Ipratropium Bromide & Albuterol (Salbutamol)) with free Rx O lancamento de hoje da Q2 Solutions e o resultado do fechamento da negociac~ao previamente anunciada de um empreendimento conjunto global de servicos laboratoriais para estudos cl inicos. A Q2 Solutions est a solidamente posicionada como a segunda maior empresa do mundo de servicos laboratoriais centrais e presta servicos a clientes em todos os segmentos do mercado biofarmac^eutico – um grupo que inclui todas as 20 maiores empresas biofarmac^euticas. Buy Kamagra Pack-30 () without Rx Se a Q2 Solutions fosse um neg ocio independente em 2014, ela teria gerado aproximadamente US$ 575 milh~oes em receita anual. A Quintiles, a maior fornecedora do mundo de servicos integrados de sa ude e desenvolvimento de produto, possui 60% de participac~ao, e a Quest Diagnostics, l ider mundial em servicos de informac~ao diagn ostica, det em 40% das duas entidades jur idicas separadas que comp~oem a Q2 Solutions. “A Q2 Solutions consolida os pontos fortes, o profundo conhecimento e a capacidade que s~ao complementares entre duas empresas l ideres do setor”, comentou Tom Pike, diretor executivo da Quintiles. About Capegard with free prescription “Essa nova organizac~ao se estabelece sobre a s olida base de suas empresas matrizes e proporciona aos clientes acesso a um parceiro inovador, progressista e atento `as suas necessidades que possui foco na qualidade, experi^encia global e profunda per icia m edica, algo essencial para o desenvolvimento de medicamentos.” “Os servicos laboratoriais cl inicos s~ao fundamentais para o avanco de gen^omica, medicina de precis~ao e desenvolvimento de medicamentos. Himplasia () with free Rx A Q2 Solutions est a muito bem posicionada para gerar avancos significativos nessas areas e, dessa forma, beneficiar clientes e pacientes”, afirmou Steve Rusckowski, presidente e diretor executivo da Quest Diagnostics. Buy Hair Care online “Essa negociac~ao condiz com a estrat egia de cinco pontos da Quest, j a que nos permite maximizar o valor de nossos ativos de estudos cl inicos com efici^encia de capital, reforcando ao mesmo tempo nosso foco no neg ocio central de servicos de informac~oes diagn osticas.” Al em disso, as duas empresas matrizes j a entraram em um per iodo de colaborac~ao exclusiva para explorar como utilizar seus ativos de dados de modo a aprimorar aspectos como recrutamento e retenc~ao de pacientes de estudos cl inicos, desenho de estudos cl inicos e desenvolvimento e comercializac~ao de diagn ostico concomitantes. A experiente equipe de gest~ao da Q2 Solutions e composta por reconhecidos l ideres da Quintiles e da Quest Diagnostics. O diretor executivo da empresa, Costa Panagos, ocupava at e recentemente o cargo de vice-presidente s^enior e chefe global de servicos globais de seguranca card iaca e laborat orios da Quintiles. “O dia de hoje representa um marco para a Q2 Solutions e tamb em para toda a ind ustria biofarmac^eutica a que servimos”, declarou Panagos. A “Q2 Solutions oferece aos clientes conhecimento e experi^encia cient ifica l ider de mercado, uma ampla rede global de laborat orios e um foco incans avel na prestac~ao de servicos de qualidade superior que permitem alcancar melhores resultados para os pacientes. Esses elementos s~ao a base da promessa da Q2 Solutions de ajudar os clientes a melhorarem a sa ude humana por meio de inovac~ao que transforma ci^encia e dados em informac~oes m edicas acion aveis.” Para obter mais informac~oes sobre sobre a Q2 Solutions, visite Sobre a Quintiles A Quintiles (NYSE: Q) ajuda a ind ustria biofarmac^eutica e outras empresas do setor de sa ude a aumentarem a probabilidade de sucesso ao conectar as percepc~oes de nossos profundos conhecimentos cient ificos, terap^euticos e anal iticos com uma oferta superior para a obtenc~ao de melhores resultados. De consultoria a operac~oes, a empresa e a maior fornecedora mundial de desenvolvimento de produtos e servicos de sa ude integrados, incluindo soluc~oes comerciais e de observac~ao. Conduzindo operac~oes em aproximadamente 100 pa ises, a Quintiles e um membro da FORTUNE 500 e foi indicada `a “World’s Most Admired Companies”, a lista das empresas mais admiradas do mundo da FORTUNE. Para saber mais, visite Sobre a Quest Diagnostics A Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX) possibilita que pessoas empreendam ac~oes para aprimorar os resultados na area de sa ude. Provenientes da maior base de dados de resultados cl inicos e laboratoriais do mundo, nossas informac~oes diagn osticas revelam novos caminhos para a identificac~ao e o tratamento de doencas, inspiram comportamentos saud aveis e melhoram a gest~ao do atendimento `a sa ude. A Quest serve serve um em cada tr^es norte-americanos adultos e a metade dos m edicos e hospitais dos Estados Unidos, e os nossos 45 mil funcion arios compreendem que, nas m~aos certas e adequadamente contextualizadas, nossas informac~oes diagn osticas s~ao capazes de inspirar ac~oes que transformam vidas. A Quest Diagnostics integra o ranking FORTUNE 500 e est a entre as “World’s Most Admired Companies”, a lista das empresas mais admiradas do mundo promovida pela FORTUNE. Declarac~oes prospectivas As declarac~oes presentes neste comunicado de imprensa, que n~ao s~ao fatos hist oricos, incluindo no que diz respeito ao empreendimento conjunto, podem conter declarac~oes prospectivas dentro do significado da sec~ao 27A da Lei de Valores Mobili arios de 1933 (Securities Act of 1933) e sec~ao 21E da Lei de Mercado de Capitais de 1934 (Securities Exchange Act of 1934). Essas declarac~oes prospectivas refletem, entre outros aspectos, as expectativas atuais e os resultados esperados das operac~oes realizadas pela Quintiles e pela Quest Diagnostics, todos sujeitos a riscos – conhecidos e desconhecidos –, incertezas e outros fatores que podem fazer com que os resultados, desempenho ou realizac~oes reais, tend^encias de mercado ou resultados da ind ustria sejam materialmente diferentes daqueles expressos ou impl icitos por essas declarac~oes prospectivas. Portanto, ficam os leitores alertados para n~ao depositarem confianca indevida nestas declarac~oes prospectivas, que dizem respeito apenas `as datas em que s~ao feitas. Sem se limitar ao precedente, as palavras “antecipa”, “acredita”, “estima”, “espera”, “pretende”, “pode”, “planeja”, “projeta”, “deve”, “objetiva”, verbos no futuro, ant^onimos, palavras e express~oes similares t^em por objetivo identificar as declarac~oes prospectivas. Essas declarac~oes est~ao sujeitas a riscos, incertezas e suposic~oes que, embora n~ao se limitem a estas, incluem a capacidade de concluir, integrar e atingir os objetivos pretendidos em relac~ao `a Q2 Solutions, desenvolver novas tecnologias, o ambiente competitivo, processos judiciais ou ac~oes privadas, resultados adversos de investigac~oes pendentes ou futuras do governo, atrair e reter funcion arios-chave na nova empresa; al em de outros fatores discutidos nos registros peri odicos junto `a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pela Quintiles e a Quest Diagnostics, incluindo aqueles descritos na sec~ao intitulada “Risk Factors” (Fatores de risco), (i) no Relat orio Anual de 2014 sobre o formul ario 10-K da Quintiles, arquivado junto `a SEC em 12 de fevereiro de 2015, e (ii) no Relat orio Anual de 2014 da Quest Diagnostics sobre o formul ario 10-K, arquivado junto `a SEC em 24 de fevereiro de 2015, conforme os referidos fatores possam vir a ser atualizados, de tempos em tempos, nos arquivamentos peri odicos junto `a SEC pelas respectivas empresas, os quais est~ao acess iveis no site da SEC em Esses fatores n~ao dever~ao ser considerados como completos e dever~ao ser lidos em conjunto com as outras declarac~oes de precauc~ao que est~ao inclu idas neste comunicado de imprensa e nos arquivamentos da Quintiles e da Quest Diagnostics junto `a SEC. A menos que exigido por lei, a Quintiles e a Quest Diagnostics n~ao assumem nenhuma obrigac~ao de atualizar quaisquer dessas informac~oes prospectivas para refletir os resultados reais ou mudancas nos fatores que afetam essas informac~oes prospectivas. Clique aqui para se inscrever e receber os alertas m oveis da Quintiles. O texto no idioma original deste an uncio e a vers~ao oficial autorizada. As traduc~oes s~ao fornecidas apenas como uma facilidade e devem se referir ao texto no idioma original, que e a unica vers~ao do texto que tem efeito legal.

How do antidepressants affect moral decision-making?

In a moral decision-making experiment, people given the antidepressant citalopram were found to be more likely to pay money to prevent harm both to themselves and others than control subjects who were given a placebo. In the experiment, the "deciders" had the power to pay money from their allocated amount to prevent either themselves or their "receiver" from being shocked. The researchers behind the new study, from University College London and Oxford University - both in the UK - tested to what extent people were willing to inflict pain on themselves or others in exchange for money. The neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine have been linked to aggressive and antisocial behavior in previous studies. Buy Trental (Pentoxifylline) with free Rx As several commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs work by enhancing levels of these neurotransmitters, the researchers compared how the effect on moral decision-making of a drug that enhances serotonin levels (citalopram) differed to that of a drug that enhances dopamine levels (the Parkinson s drug levodopa). For the study, the results of which are published in the journal Current Biology, the researchers recruited 175 healthy adults - 89 of which were randomized to receive citalopram or a placebo, while 86 received levodopa or a placebo. In the experiment, the participants were also randomly assigned a role of "decider" or "receiver." The deciders and receivers were anonymously paired - the deciders did not know who their receiver was and vice versa. At the start of the experiment, all participants were given "mildly painful" electric shocks that were matched to each participants pain threshold. The decisions made by the deciders related to shocks that they would receive themselves, as well as shocks that would be inflicted upon the receiver. Buy Combivent (Ipratropium Bromide & Albuterol (Salbutamol)) with free Rx The deciders and receivers were allocated to receive an equal number of shocks by the researchers, but the deciders had the power to pay money from their allocated amount to prevent either themselves or the receiver from being shocked. The deciders were placed into rooms on their own with a computer terminal. Buy Kamagra Pack-30 () without Rx Over 170 trials, the deciders were offered different amounts of electric shocks costing various amounts of money, up to a maximum of 20 shocks and about $30 per trial. The deciders knew that any decisions they made would not be revealed to the receiver. About Capegard with free prescription As such, the deciders had the option of inflicting shocks upon the receivers without fear of judgement or retaliation. Levodopa group most likely to deliver shocks to others In this experiment, the participants who received placebos paid an average of 55 cents per shock to prevent harm to themselves and 69 cents per shock on average to prevent harm to others. However, participants who received citalopram were more considerate when it came to harm, showing willingness to pay an average of 94 cents per shock to avoid harming themselves and $1.14 per shock to prevent harming others. The authors say that over the course of the study, people on citalopram gave themselves 30 fewer shocks and 35 fewer shocks to other people compared with the placebo group. By contrast, the participants given levodopa were generally unwilling to pay any more to prevent shocks to others than to prevent shocks to themselves. Himplasia () with free Rx They would pay an average of 55 cents per shock to prevent themselves and others from being harmed. Buy Hair Care online On average, the levodopa group delivered 10 more shocks to others during the study than the control group. The authors also report that the levodopa participants made decisions faster and were less hesitant to deliver shocks to receivers than participants who received a placebo. In a previous experiment, the same research team had found that people were more averse when it came to hurting others than they were when it came to harming themselves. This behavior - known as "hyper-altruism" - was also seen in this study, as the participants were mostly more willing to take the electric shocks themselves than inflict them on another participant for profit. "Our findings have implications for potential lines of treatment for antisocial behavior, as they help us to understand how serotonin and dopamine affect people s willingness to harm others for personal gain," says lead author Dr. Molly Crockett. "We have shown that commonly-prescribed psychiatric drugs influence moral decisions in healthy people, raising important ethical questions about the use of such drugs." However, Dr. Crockett cautions that these drugs may have different effects in psychiatric patients compared with healthy people. "More research is needed to determine whether these drugs affect moral decisions in people who take them for medical reasons," she concludes. Written by David McNamee

How do antidepressants affect moral decision-making?

In a moral decision-making experiment, people given the antidepressant citalopram were found to be more likely to pay money to prevent harm both to themselves and others than control subjects who were given a placebo. In the experiment, the "deciders" had the power to pay money from their allocated amount to prevent either themselves or their "receiver" from being shocked. The researchers behind the new study, from University College London and Oxford University - both in the UK - tested to what extent people were willing to inflict pain on themselves or others in exchange for money. The neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine have been linked to aggressive and antisocial behavior in previous studies. Buy Trental (Pentoxifylline) with free Rx As several commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs work by enhancing levels of these neurotransmitters, the researchers compared how the effect on moral decision-making of a drug that enhances serotonin levels (citalopram) differed to that of a drug that enhances dopamine levels (the Parkinson s drug levodopa). For the study, the results of which are published in the journal Current Biology, the researchers recruited 175 healthy adults - 89 of which were randomized to receive citalopram or a placebo, while 86 received levodopa or a placebo. In the experiment, the participants were also randomly assigned a role of "decider" or "receiver." The deciders and receivers were anonymously paired - the deciders did not know who their receiver was and vice versa. At the start of the experiment, all participants were given "mildly painful" electric shocks that were matched to each participants pain threshold. The decisions made by the deciders related to shocks that they would receive themselves, as well as shocks that would be inflicted upon the receiver. Buy Combivent (Ipratropium Bromide & Albuterol (Salbutamol)) with free Rx The deciders and receivers were allocated to receive an equal number of shocks by the researchers, but the deciders had the power to pay money from their allocated amount to prevent either themselves or the receiver from being shocked. The deciders were placed into rooms on their own with a computer terminal. Buy Kamagra Pack-30 () without Rx Over 170 trials, the deciders were offered different amounts of electric shocks costing various amounts of money, up to a maximum of 20 shocks and about $30 per trial. The deciders knew that any decisions they made would not be revealed to the receiver. About Capegard with free prescription As such, the deciders had the option of inflicting shocks upon the receivers without fear of judgement or retaliation. Levodopa group most likely to deliver shocks to others In this experiment, the participants who received placebos paid an average of 55 cents per shock to prevent harm to themselves and 69 cents per shock on average to prevent harm to others. However, participants who received citalopram were more considerate when it came to harm, showing willingness to pay an average of 94 cents per shock to avoid harming themselves and $1.14 per shock to prevent harming others. The authors say that over the course of the study, people on citalopram gave themselves 30 fewer shocks and 35 fewer shocks to other people compared with the placebo group. By contrast, the participants given levodopa were generally unwilling to pay any more to prevent shocks to others than to prevent shocks to themselves. Himplasia () with free Rx They would pay an average of 55 cents per shock to prevent themselves and others from being harmed. Buy Hair Care online On average, the levodopa group delivered 10 more shocks to others during the study than the control group. The authors also report that the levodopa participants made decisions faster and were less hesitant to deliver shocks to receivers than participants who received a placebo. In a previous experiment, the same research team had found that people were more averse when it came to hurting others than they were when it came to harming themselves. This behavior - known as "hyper-altruism" - was also seen in this study, as the participants were mostly more willing to take the electric shocks themselves than inflict them on another participant for profit. "Our findings have implications for potential lines of treatment for antisocial behavior, as they help us to understand how serotonin and dopamine affect people s willingness to harm others for personal gain," says lead author Dr. Molly Crockett. "We have shown that commonly-prescribed psychiatric drugs influence moral decisions in healthy people, raising important ethical questions about the use of such drugs." However, Dr. Crockett cautions that these drugs may have different effects in psychiatric patients compared with healthy people. "More research is needed to determine whether these drugs affect moral decisions in people who take them for medical reasons," she concludes. Written by David McNamee

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

WHO Cuba is first country to eliminate mother-to-child HIV and syphilis

Cuba is the first country in the world to receive validation from the World Health Organization for wiping out mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Cuba s achievement represents an important step toward an AIDS-free generation say the WHO. In the announcement on Tuesday, Dr. Buy Seroquel (Quetiapine) with no Rx Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), describes the achievement as a "major victory" and an "important step" toward an AIDS-free generation. "Eliminating transmission of a virus is one of the greatest public health achievements possible," says Dr. About Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate) without prescription Chan. Michel Sidib e, Executive Director of UNAIDS says the achievements shows it is possible to end the AIDS epidemic and they now "expect Cuba to be the first of many countries coming forward to seek validation that they have ended their epidemics among children." Since 2010, WHO, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other partners have been working in Cuba and other countries in the Americas to put in place regional initiatives to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. The initiatives ensure early access to prenatal care, and to HIV and syphilis testing for pregnant women and their partners. Buy Super ED Trial Pack () with no prescription Where pregnant women test positive, they and their babies receive prompt treatment, plus the babies are delivered by cesarean section and are not breastfed. Another feature of the initiative is that programs for HIV and sexually transmitted infections are offered as an integral part of mother and child health programs in equitable, accessible and universal health systems. For a country to be recognized as having eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, it must pass the validation process and criteria that WHO and their key partners issued in 2014. Buspirone without Rx Validation by panel of international experts The validation process recognizes that no treatment is 100% effective in preventing mother-to-child-transmission, so it defines elimination as a "reduction of transmission to such a low level that it no longer constitutes a public health problem." In 2013, only two babies were born with HIV in Cuba, and only 5 babies were born with syphilis inherited from their mothers. To carry out the validation, a PAHO and WHO mission spent 5 days in Cuba in March 2015. About Keftab (Cephalexin) with free Rx The mission included experts from several countries in the Americas, plus the Bahamas, Italy, Japan, the US and Zambia. Buy Garcinia Cambogia online They visited health centers, laboratories, and government offices across the island, interviewing health and other officials. The validation process places great emphasis on services being offered free of coercion and in line with human rights. PAHO Director, Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, says: "Cuba s achievement today provides inspiration for other countries to advance towards elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis." Every year around the world around 1.4 million HIV-infected women get pregnant. Without treatment, there is a 15-45% chance they will pass the virus to the baby in the womb, or during birth or breastfeeding. But that risk falls to just over 1% if mothers and their babies receive antiretrovirals during all the stages where infection can occur. Number of children born with HIV has halved According to WHO, the number of children globally born every year with HIV is now nearly half what it was in 2009, when it was around 400,000. Also, since 2009, the proportion of HIV-infected pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries who receive effective anti-HIV drugs to prevent passing it to their child has doubled. A WHO statement says: "Among the 22 countries which account for 90% of new HIV infections, 8 have already reduced new HIV infections among children by over 50% since 2009, based on 2013 data, and another four are close to this mark." Syphilis, which infects nearly 1 million pregnant women around the world every year, is cost-effective and easy to screen and treat during pregnancy. Doing so eliminates most of the complications of infection, which include miscarriage and stillbirth, plus death, low birthweight and serious infections of newborns. In 2012, syphilis affected 360,000 pregnancies through stillbirths, death of newborns, premature births and infected babies. Following a global campaign to eliminate mother-to-child syphilis in 2007, WHO estimate that by 2014, more than 40 countries were testing 95% or more of pregnant women in prenatal care for syphilis. Meanwhile, Medical News Today recently reported a study that suggests risk of HIV reduces with longer secondary education. For the study, the researchers focused on Botswana, the most HIV-affected country in the world, and where recent reforms have increased time spent in secondary education. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD